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Validation scripts

The file cmsWR/scripts/wrValidation.sh processes all minitrees whose versions correspond to the version listed in configs/2015-v1.conf using

excute voms-proxy-init –voms cms to make a GRID certificate proxy (by default minitrees are accessed through xrootd)

  1. execute
    ./scripts/wrValidation.sh >& runningWrValidation.txt &
    to start the validation script, run it in the background, and pipe any text sent to stdout by wrValidation.sh to a txt file.

when the script is finished the directory cmsWR/test/validationPlots/ will be filled with plots. Scale factors to bring DY MC MLL into agreement with data MLL in the dytagandprobe region, the number of events in dytagandprobe events in the Z peak region in data and MC, and the number of events in all minitrees (not only the ones processed by analysis.cpp) will be written into files in data/2015-v1/.

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