run these commands to calculate the DY scale factors for the mass binned DY Powheg dataset, inclusive DY Madgraph dataset, and inclusive DY AMCNLO dataset starting from minitrees:
make ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYAMC >& DYAMCMuMuTandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYMAD >& DYMADMuMuTandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYPOWHEG >& DYPOWHEGMuMuTandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m data >& dataMuMuTandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYAMC >& DYAMCEETandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYMAD >& DYMADEETandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYPOWHEG >& DYPOWHEGEETandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m data >& dataEETandP.txt & mkdir noDyScaleFactors mv *.root noDyScaleFactors
once these are finished run a macro in the test directory to calculate and save the scale factors
cd test root -l -b runCalculateDyScaleFactors.C
now re-run analysis.cpp with the scale factors applied (they are applied by default, but have no effect on real data)
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYAMC >& DYAMCMuMuTandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYMAD >& DYMADMuMuTandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYPOWHEG >& DYPOWHEGMuMuTandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m data >& dataMuMuTandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYAMC >& DYAMCEETandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYMAD >& DYMADEETandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYPOWHEG >& DYPOWHEGEETandP.txt & ./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m data >& dataEETandP.txt & mkdir withDyScaleFactors mv *.root withDyScaleFactors