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Instructions to calculate DY scale factors

run these commands to calculate the DY scale factors for the mass binned DY Powheg dataset, inclusive DY Madgraph dataset, and inclusive DY AMCNLO dataset starting from minitrees:

./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYAMC >& DYAMCMuMuTandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYMAD >& DYMADMuMuTandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYPOWHEG >& DYPOWHEGMuMuTandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m data >& dataMuMuTandP.txt &

./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYAMC >& DYAMCEETandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYMAD >& DYMADEETandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYPOWHEG >& DYPOWHEGEETandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors true --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m data >& dataEETandP.txt &
mkdir noDyScaleFactors
mv *.root noDyScaleFactors

once these are finished run a macro in the test directory to calculate and save the scale factors

cd test
root -l -b runCalculateDyScaleFactors.C

now re-run analysis.cpp with the scale factors applied (they are applied by default, but have no effect on real data)

./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYAMC >& DYAMCMuMuTandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYMAD >& DYMADMuMuTandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m DYPOWHEG >& DYPOWHEGMuMuTandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c MuMu -m data >& dataMuMuTandP.txt &

./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYAMC >& DYAMCEETandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYMAD >& DYMADEETandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m DYPOWHEG >& DYPOWHEGEETandP.txt &
./bin/analysis --ignoreDyScaleFactors false --isTagAndProbe true -c EE -m data >& dataEETandP.txt &
mkdir withDyScaleFactors
mv *.root withDyScaleFactors