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Limiting Setting
Instructions for Limit Setting

Need to checkout and compile HiggsCombine

git clone https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
cd HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git fetch origin
git checkout v6.2.1
scramv1 b clean
scramv1 b

First we need to run over the minitrees. A script will submit jobs for each channel for every signal MC, EMu data, DY MC, TT MC. ROOT files will be writtin in a new folder FOLDER/TAG/.

./scripts/submitAnalysisForLimits.sh TAG FOLDER

Then generate the Higgs Combine datacards

python scripts/makeDatacards.py --dir FOLDER/TAG/ --outdir datacards/ -s

Then we run combine setting the number of toys.

python scripts/setLimits.py NTOYS LIMIT_FOLDER/TAG/

The resulting limits are plotting using

python scripts/plotLimits.py TAG LIMIT_FOLDER/

A summary plot of the mean signal and backgrounds rates can be made by running

python scripts/datacardsSummary.py  | column -t | tee datacards/summary.txt
python scripts/sig_bg_plot.py

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