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skimMuon_cff.py File Reference




tuple python.skimMuon_cff.tunePMuons
tuple python.skimMuon_cff.wRleadingMuonPresel
 select leading muon More...
tuple python.skimMuon_cff.wRsubleadingMuonPresel
 select subleading muon More...
tuple python.skimMuon_cff.wRdiMuonCandidatePresel
 create di-muon pair in signal region More...
tuple python.skimMuon_cff.wRdiMuonCandidateFilterPresel
 filter: at least one di-muon candidate in signal region More...
tuple python.skimMuon_cff.wRdiMuonDijetCandidate
 create an object from two jets and two muons in the evt, and cut on its mass More...
tuple python.skimMuon_cff.wRdiMuonDijetCandidateFilter
 filter: require at least one LLJJ object in the evt More...
tuple python.skimMuon_cff.wRdiMuonSidebandCandidate
 create di-muon pair in sideband region More...