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python.selections_cff Namespace Reference


int leadingPt = 60
int subleadingPt = 50
int miniTreeLeptonPt = 40
float maxEtaLeptons = 2.4
int jetPt = 20
string jetID = " (neutralHadronEnergyFraction<0.90 && neutralEmEnergyFraction<0.9 && (chargedMultiplicity+neutralMultiplicity)>1 && muonEnergyFraction<0.8) && ((abs(eta)<=2.4 && chargedHadronEnergyFraction>0 && chargedMultiplicity>0 && chargedEmEnergyFraction<0.90) || abs(eta)>2.4)"
 need the reference for this selection, with link to the presentation and twiki page More...
string muonIDIso = ' isolationR03().sumPt/pt < 0.1 && userInt("highPtID") == 1'
tuple wRtightJets
 select tight-ID jets More...
tuple wRJets
tuple wRJECUncert
tuple wRJetFilter
tuple wRdiJetCandidate
tuple jetSelectionSeq = cms.Sequence( wRtightJets * wRJets * wRJECUncert )
tuple wRIsolatedElectrons
 Electrons. More...
tuple wRHEEPElectron
tuple wRHEEPElectronRefiner
 this is to change the type of the collection for the analyzer More...
tuple wRminiTreeElectron
tuple wRdiElectronCandidate
 create di-electron pair in signal region More...
tuple wRdiElectronCandidateFilter
 filter: at least one di-electron candidate in signal region More...
tuple electronSelectionSeq = cms.Sequence(wRIsolatedElectrons * wRHEEPElectron * wRHEEPElectronRefiner * wRminiTreeElectron * wRdiElectronCandidate)
tuple tunePMuons
 Muons. More...
tuple tunePIsolatedMuons
tuple tunePIDIsoMuons
 muon ID and isolation make a collection of TuneP muons which pass isHighPt ID More...
tuple scaleCorrectedMuons
 Rochester corrections. More...
tuple scaleCorrectedMuonsRefiner

Variable Documentation

tuple python.selections_cff.electronSelectionSeq = cms.Sequence(wRIsolatedElectrons * wRHEEPElectron * wRHEEPElectronRefiner * wRminiTreeElectron * wRdiElectronCandidate)
string python.selections_cff.jetID = " (neutralHadronEnergyFraction<0.90 && neutralEmEnergyFraction<0.9 && (chargedMultiplicity+neutralMultiplicity)>1 && muonEnergyFraction<0.8) && ((abs(eta)<=2.4 && chargedHadronEnergyFraction>0 && chargedMultiplicity>0 && chargedEmEnergyFraction<0.90) || abs(eta)>2.4)"

need the reference for this selection, with link to the presentation and twiki page

int python.selections_cff.jetPt = 20
tuple python.selections_cff.jetSelectionSeq = cms.Sequence( wRtightJets * wRJets * wRJECUncert )
int python.selections_cff.leadingPt = 60

add deltaR cut between leptons?

add HEEP ID for electrons

add muon ID

check composite candidate cut string for pt ordering: pt_0 >= pt_1

make sure that the miniTree is using objects with looser selection

float python.selections_cff.maxEtaLeptons = 2.4
int python.selections_cff.miniTreeLeptonPt = 40
string python.selections_cff.muonIDIso = ' isolationR03().sumPt/pt < 0.1 && userInt("highPtID") == 1'
tuple python.selections_cff.scaleCorrectedMuons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("produceScaleCorrectedMuons",
2  src = cms.InputTag("tunePIDIsoMuons"),
3  OutputCollectionName = cms.string("")
4  )

Rochester corrections.

tuple python.selections_cff.scaleCorrectedMuonsRefiner
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("CandViewSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("scaleCorrectedMuons"),
3  cut = cms.string('')
4  )
int python.selections_cff.subleadingPt = 50
tuple python.selections_cff.tunePIDIsoMuons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("PATMuonSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("tunePMuons"),
3  cut = cms.string(muonIDIso),
4  )

muon ID and isolation make a collection of TuneP muons which pass isHighPt ID

tuple python.selections_cff.tunePIsolatedMuons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "DeltaROverlapExclusionSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("tunePMuons"),
3  overlap = cms.InputTag("wRJets"),
4  maxDeltaR = cms.double(0.04),
5  )
tuple python.selections_cff.tunePMuons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("TunePMuonProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("slimmedMuons")
3  )


tuple python.selections_cff.wRdiElectronCandidate
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("CandViewShallowCloneCombiner",
2  decay = cms.string("wRminiTreeElectron wRminiTreeElectron"),
3  role = cms.string("leading subleading"),
4  checkCharge = cms.bool(False),
5  # the cut on the pt of the daughter is to respect the order of leading and subleading:
6  # if both electrons have pt>60 GeV there will be two di-electron candidates with inversed order
7  cut = cms.string("mass > 0 && daughter(0).pt>daughter(1).pt"),
8  )

create di-electron pair in signal region

tuple python.selections_cff.wRdiElectronCandidateFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("CandViewCountFilter",
2  src = cms.InputTag("wRdiElectronCandidate"),
3  minNumber = cms.uint32(1)
4  )

filter: at least one di-electron candidate in signal region

tuple python.selections_cff.wRdiJetCandidate
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("CandViewShallowCloneCombiner",
2  decay = cms.string("wRJets wRJets"),
3  #role = cms.string("leading subleading"),
4  checkCharge = cms.bool(False),
5  # the cut on the pt of the daughter is to respect the order of leading and subleading:
6  # if both electrons have pt>60 GeV there will be two di-electron candidates with inversed order
7  cut = cms.string("mass > 0 && daughter(0).pt>daughter(1).pt"),
8 )
tuple python.selections_cff.wRHEEPElectron
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer('HEEPIDSelector',
2  electrons= cms.InputTag("slimmedElectrons"),
3  eleHEEPIdMap = cms.InputTag("egmGsfElectronIDs:heepElectronID-HEEPV60"),
4  )
tuple python.selections_cff.wRHEEPElectronRefiner
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("CandViewSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("wRHEEPElectron"),
3  cut = cms.string('')
4  )

this is to change the type of the collection for the analyzer

tuple python.selections_cff.wRIsolatedElectrons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "DeltaROverlapExclusionSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("slimmedElectrons"),
3  overlap = cms.InputTag("wRJets"),
4  maxDeltaR = cms.double(0.4),
5  )


tuple python.selections_cff.wRJECUncert
Initial value:
1 = JECUnc.clone(
2  src = cms.InputTag('wRJets')
3  )
tuple python.selections_cff.wRJetFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("CandViewCountFilter",
2  src = cms.InputTag("wRJets"),
3  minNumber = cms.uint32(2)
4  )
tuple python.selections_cff.wRJets
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("PATJetSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("wRtightJets"),
3  cut = cms.string(''),
4  )
tuple python.selections_cff.wRminiTreeElectron
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("PATElectronSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("wRHEEPElectron"),
3  cut = cms.string(''),
4  )
tuple python.selections_cff.wRtightJets
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("PATJetSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("updatedPatJetsUpdatedJEC"),
3  cut = cms.string(jetID),
4  )

select tight-ID jets